Why Bamboo


Why Choose
Bamboo ?

  • They mature within a period of 2 to 3 years that gives the soil ample time to rest.
  • They have got astonishing 20 times more growth rate as compared to any timber tree.
  • They supply not less than 35% more oxygen in comparison to a normal tree for us to breathe easy.
  • They don’t allow bacteria to thrive in their surface hence, forget those pesticides or insecticides, hence 100% natural.
  • They suck in the prime culprit of global warming aka Carbon Dioxide sprightly.
  • It is biodegradable and can be disposed of very easily, being the next best alternative of plastics.
    • Bamboo is highly renewable as opposed to plastics which take 1000 years to degrade itself.
    • Almost 50% of plastics are neither reused nor recycled whereas bamboo products can be reused a lot of times and can be recycled as well.
    • Making of plastic requires fossil fuels, leading to depletion of our fossil fuels and emission of carbon gases whereas bamboo promotes natural well-being.
    • Plastics mix with the soil and do not allow the roots to grow whereas bamboo helps protect eroded soil.
    • Plastic is one of the main causes of global warming whereas bamboo is the next best alternative after plastic to reduce global warming.

      The booming market for Bamboo can bring a boon to our ecosystem in so many other ways. Let us have a look:

      • The reformation speed of Bamboo is much quicker than any woody plant in addition to the unparalleled growth rate.
      • Bamboo is a king of grass which makes it an incredibly tough material because of the unique tissues it possesses. It becomes harder as it grows old.
      • If we talk about the Janka Hardness Scale, natural Bamboo ?nds itself at 1380, which is harder than a mighty oak and ash.
      • A species of the grass called Guadua bamboo is said to excel timber ?bres and mild steel when it comes to strength. No wood can beat this!
      • When it comes to the harvesting or even installation, Bamboo is a delight to handle.
      • Easy to slash, non-existence of bark to peel off, and most importantly, the weight makes it ideal for handling, transport, and storage.
      • The cultivation of Bamboo brings numerous bene?ts to mother earth. A composite network of the root anchors the soil beneath to prevent erosion when rainfall or ?ooding occurs.
      • Bamboo aids the soil in to retain water, helping with moisture regulation throughout the rainy and dry weather conditions.
      • Of-course Bamboo absorbs tons of more CO2 than trees, possible because of its extreme growth rate.